Narada Rinpoche: повторное, Карма генетических мутаций человечестваЭто повторная отправка Кармического Письма. Первая его рассылка проходила весной 2017 года всем правительствам стран нашего мира. Версия Письма на английском языке и список стран можно найти внизу. Это повторное Кармическое Письмо получат представители 90 стран мира:
Австралия, Австрия, Азербайджан, Аргентина, Армения, Афганистан, Барбадос, Белоруссия, Бельгия, Болгария, Бразилия, Бруней, Великобритания, Венесуэла, Венгрия, Вьетнам, Гана, Гвинея, Германия, Греция, Грузия, Дания, Египет, Израиль, Индия, Индонезия, Ирак, Иран, Ирландия, Испания, Италия, Казахстан, Канада, Катар, Кения, Кипр, Киргизия, Китай, КНДР, Колумбия, Куба, Кувейт, Латвия, Литва, Люксембург, Македония, Малайзия, Мальта, Марокко, Мексика, Молдавия, Монако, Монголия, Нигерия, Нидерланды, Новая Зеландия, Норвегия, ОАЭ, Перу, Польша, Португалия, Республика Корея, Россия, Руанда, Румыния, Саудовская Аравия, Сингапур, Сирия, Словения, Словакия, Судан, США, Таджикистан, Таиланд, Тринидад и Тобаго, Турция, Узбекистан, Украина, Филиппины, Финляндия, Франция, Черногория, Чехия, Чили, Швейцария, Швеция, Эстония, Эфиопия, ЮАР, Япония.
Бич нашего времени это различные болезни. Их природа одна: генномодифицированные продукты питания, химический состав товаров первой необходимости (еда / напитки, фармацевтика, средства гигиены, бытовая химия), низковибрационное излучение компьютерной и бытовой техники (сотовые телефоны, микроволновки, телевизоры, энергосберегающие лампы, и так далее), вакцинация. Всё это, а также много всего другого, гасит здоровье людей и делает всех бесплодными. Такова была концепция тайного правления миром Общества Иллюминатов / Кабалы, которые желали сократить население нашей планеты до одного золотого миллиарда избранных.
Мировым Правительством было создано много программ уничтожения человечества. Самыми распространёнными были программы: общей вакцинации от ложных эпидемий; использование генномодифицированных семян, химической еды / напитков через известные компании с мировыми именами; кодирование людей через рекламу на употребление химических ингредиентов в продуктах питания и фармацевтики с последующей наркотической зависимостью от них. Всё это подвергает клетки мутациям, приводит к деградированию физиологии организма и отсутствию стремления к жизни.
Преступления Общества Иллюминатов против человечества доказаны больной генетикой всех народов мира. Вскоре Каббала предстанет перед Судом Маат и будет наказана за все свои чёрные деяния. Суд Маат начнётся сразу же, когда завершатся массовые аресты Кабалы. Аресты активно проходят с зимы 2017 года, благодаря смелым действиям американского президента Трампа, за что ему моя особая Благодарность. Уже собрано почти 80 000 обвинительных актов, но это не конечное их число. Все участники программ Иллюминатов против человечества, природы и планеты не избегут наказания, ибо наступило время воздаяния.
Общество Иллюминатов прекращает свою тёмную мировую деятельность с 2017 года. Осталось закончить пользоваться программами уничтожения человечества и дать людям возможность выздоровления. По этой причине я хочу обратиться к правительствам мира с Просьбой заменить тёмные товары с химическим составом продающиеся в вашей стране, на натуральные. Это поможет остановить генетические мутации вашего народа и даст всем шанс на выздоровление. Нельзя поощрять скрытые убийства людей, иначе настигнет возмездие Суда Маат. Помните, что здоровье нации зависит от заботы правительства о народе своей страны, потому что Новое будущее нашего мира создаётся прямо сейчас.
С Добрыми пожеланиями к членам правительств стран нашего мира,
Нарада Ринпоче / Майтрея Будда.
февраль 2019 года
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! Кармическое Письмо на русском языке от 2017 года:
Narada Rinpoche: неКарма генетических мутаций: /viewtopic.php?p=4127#p4127 ! not-Karma genetic mutations, june 2017Тhis letter of not-Karma genetic mutations has been sent to the governments of 174 countries in our world to prevent a future war between natural and genetically modified people. Worry about this you must in advance, in order to avoid undesirable consequences in the future.
Declassification for the world community of long-standing genetic developments in the past began only now - from 2016. And some of them can lead our world to inevitable consequences in our Future. It was one of some reasons for the mass mailing of my Letter of not-Karma genetic mutations to the governments of the leading countries in our world.
I used different e-mail addresses for send my letter to the member of government from the List of Countries, which I presented below. I hope that at least one of them will reach their Addressee.
Since the 50s of the last century, some countries in our world have been carrying out secret genetic studies on: changing DNA, crossing different genes, weakening DNA strands and genetic cloning.
For example, a similar cloning technique gave the US Army a Super Soldat, which were used as cannon fodder. After all, you can grow a cloned 20 years old human perhaps per 2 hours, because his body is created in the fields of accelerated time. But such a cloned body ages / decays much faster than a normal body. Although this genetic technology was inherited by the Nazis from the Reptiloids in the 30s of the last century. And access it was available to countries in our world, who were included in the American secret space program, which was founded by the Nazis from the "Swabia" in the 60s of the last century.
This space program was created after the Nazis had agreed to cooperate with americans in Antarctica. Instead the Nazis had gained access to US government infrastructures, and through them to all US aerospace research.
Since 1939 fascist Germany's Nazis began the first genetic research, so the Nazis were the first genetically Changed people in our world. After the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, their genetic research came to the Americans along with their other secret developments and documents. For example, the Americans got documentation on the construction of spacecraft according with the alien technologies of the Draconians, and secret materials about the mysteries of Antarctica. Of these, the Americans found out that the Nazis discovered on the Southern mainland: The mother ships of Preadamites - the ancient Atlanteans, and their genetic laboratories, together with extensive information on ancient genetic experiments. Also the Americans found the Preadamites themselves, which are still sleeping in the stasis chambers on their ships.
Neither the Кabbalah, nor the Earth Alliance is still in a hurry to awaken them for reasons of not knowing their intentions about our world. Therefore the Awakening of the Preadamites is a matter of our future, after the fulfillment of the full Disclosure, which has been gaining momentum since 2016.
! Preadamites are the Ancient Atlanteans 5-7 meters - 15 pounds of growth, which fled to Mars to avoid the End of the World in 4th race. They returned back to our planet of the generation later, when their Peace on Mars was destroyed. It was their genetic laboratories that were discovered by Nazis of fascist Germany under the ice of Antarctica in 40s of last century that thanks to the information from the Draconians and the Reptiloids who had their bases there.
Free access to the Ancient City of Preadamites in Antarctica was the reason for the creation there of Nazi secret military base called "Swabia". In the future, the Nazi base "Swabia" was given to the US / Society of the Illuminati and became the second Area 51, and since recently the only one. In the light of recent events in the United States, Area 51 from Nevada moved to another location in the spring of 2017. It was done so that all the secret working-out of the Illuminati / Кabbalah Society did not get toward to the new American government of Trump, because it does not obey them.
The interest of the Nazis and Americans towards the southern continent in the 40s of the last century, spurred our world to pay attention to Antarctica. This allowed some countries to establish military bases there, where, in 1959, a peace Treaty on Antarctica was drawn up between them. He envisioned the peaceful cooperation of all countries in search of ancient artifacts Preadamitov where each country had its own access under the ice in place of his research in the ancient city.
That is, each country of our world could have its own independent access to the pristine Ancient City of Preadamites and to the technologies that they will find there, including ancient information about their genetic studies. And as a consequence, it was there that all the genetic studies, experiences and experiments on cloning, as well as space developments on еxtraterrestrial technologies were conducted.
! The main рreadamite of excavations take place within the Ross Ice Shelf due to the latest technologies for melting ice due to the release of steam. Antarctica, although it is the mainland and its entire surface is still covered by the ice thickness, but it is no longer sustainable due to the planetary ascension that began in 2012, and its scientists of our world are called global warming. And as a consequence, all the under-ice archaeological excavations at the South Pole involve risks for people working there.
Information on the Ancient City of Antarctica the Nazis received from the Draconians and the Reptiloids, with whom they had an agreement in the 30 years of the last century. Later, the Nazi Contract with the Draconians and the Reptiloids passed by inheritance to the Illuminati, as did the Impact of these Aliens on the Development of not only the US, but the whole of our world.
In the middle of the last century, many countries of our world had extraterrestrial treaties, and not only the USA and the USSR:
/viewtopic.php?p=4065#p4065 But so far only Russia has a joint world / planetary work with extraterrestrial groups, for example with the Pleiadians, the Arcturians, the Nordics from the Sirius System, which occurs at the state level starting in 2012 / 2014.
The Americans themselves were able to agree with the Nazis about their own research in Antarctica only in 1954, because previously they did not admit them to the southern mainland. As a result, since the 60s of the last century, Nazis from the secret military base of the "Swabia" working in the field of biomedicine began to have access to all state pharmaceutical institutions in the United States. This was done thanks to the Operation "Clip". For this reason, America became the country through which all the genetic development of the Nazis were introduced into our world, and some of them had an еxtraterrestrial history of other civilizations of our universe.
People blindly trust the state medicine and Tablets, which means that through various chemical ingredients of their composition, any fraud with human genes is possible.
So began the active work in our world of two Dark Companies from the Illuminati Society - the American "Monsanto" and the German "Bayer", which has a subsidiary production in America since 1954.
! About the dark activities in our world of these two companies, I did a mass mailing to the governments of all countries of our world in the spring of 2014:
+ Monsanto -
/viewtopic.php?p=514#p514 + Bayer -
/viewtopic.php?p=485#p485 Since the 60s of the last century, these Dark companies of the Illuminati - Monsanto and Bayer - have begun to spread their genetically modified products around the world: in chemical additives, medicines, GMO crops. All this chemically created output, due to its use by people and animals, changed their genes at the cellular level, which ultimately caused the body diseases to become the standard of life for almost all of humanity.
+ For example, some ingredients of chemical additives were distributed by the Illuminati Society / Kabbalah intentionally to: Shorten the life expectancy of people; To increase body weight to the state of obesity; Blocking brain activity; To activate the development of cancer and other body diseases; Reduce the number of hormones of happiness and joy in people; To develop depressive states when a person has everything bad, despite the good state of his affairs.
So it was easier to maintain control over the world, when people in it are busy with their own personal suffering.
+ Or, for example, through vaccinations in infancy, the DNA of people was weakened for their infection with various diseases. This was done for the sale of chemical medicines. But that's what led the body to genetic cell mutations. For example, the vaccination of infants in the 90s of the last century affected the blocking of their strong genes, which in the future almost led the youth to infertility.
Although all GMO products also lead people to pathologies and infertility, because all GMOs are sterile from chemistry in them.
In 2002, scientists from leading countries of our world were allowed to the Ancient City of Preadamites in Antarctica. They were warned that the declassification of the materials of their research would be possible only in 14 years, that is, from 2016 on. The time has come and our world began to inundate information about working with DNA and changing genes. Scientists of different countries clearly demonstrate that interference in DNA can lead to: blocking a disease through the removal of a weakened gene; аnd to activate the rejuvenation of the body through the enhancement of the corresponding gene. This is good news, because we have a lot of sick people in the world, but ...
The DNA of all of us is already weakened by our past life in the Dark World, so it is not known what such interference into the DNA helix can lead to. After all, we all mutated from the harmful environment of our dark world, so our body clings to the distorted DNA structure, which it is already possible to restore in the High Energies of planetary ascension that began in 2012.
Since 2003, the Draconians and the Grays (zeta) have attempted to block the development of the fifth and other Threads of the DNA helix in humans, genetically altering it.
Although we all knew only about two DNA Threads, but we had a couple of energy Threads that could fixate special equipment.
This was done in order to prevent the Ascension of our humanity from 2012, because in this case the Reptiloids and the Draconians would lose control over the key events of our world and the development of our humanity would be out of their control.
95 percent of the dark aliens, including the Draconians and the Reptiloids, left our planet in 2012, for our World has made the choice of its progress in the Energies of Light and in the evolution of humanity within planetary ascension.
This was the dark past of our world until 2012. Where our world was the experimental base for all the genetic experiments of the Illuminati / Kabbalah Society and the dark aliens - the Draconians, the Reptiloids, and the Grays (zeta). But in particular, the Americans were not so lucky, therefore, the degradation of this nation at all levels of its existence was expected for the Kabbalah.
I'm not against the development of genetic engineering, if you know the extent of its application, so as not to harm humanity, but help him cope with his genetic ills of the past. But...
Since 2012 in our world there is a planetary ascension, thanks to which on our planet the High Energies from the sun began to arrive. They are scattered all over the planet by the Sun Wind. Cleansing by the Pleiadians of our planetary space from low-frequency particles allowed it to be energetically amplified to 4 Measurements. And as a result, High Vibrations of space above the planet help to strengthen the main DNA strands in all living organisms and restore the broken the Thread of its Spiral, where from 3 to 12 thread of DNA are energetic.
Energy the Threads have just begun their recovery in the High Energies of planetary ascension. And as a consequence, the self-healing of the DNA Spiral will take some time, so presently no one should interfere in this process. If our DNA itself can restore according to planetary evolution, then is it worth it to interfere with this right now, when Nature herself took up this matter. After all, as a result of the processes of planetary ascension, the physical bodies of people will begin to self-heal and rejuvenate themselves, and also all super-abilities will open up in us.
It is Right now that we all are determined by the choice of the path of development of mankind, where some people will prefer to trust Nature and Energies of the Ascension, and others - to new technologies of scientists and their genetic engineering. But this does not mean that this easy way of correcting DNA will be the fastest for the processes of self-healing and rejuvenation of the body. In the Future, this the Сhoice of an easy path to correct DNA can lead humanity to a war between natural people who have restored and strengthened their DNA the natural move planetary of evolution, and genetically altered people in the DNA which the scientists interfered.
As it was, for example, in our past, when the Society of Illuminati / Kabbalah from the 50s of the last century organized a global experiment to weaken the DNA on account of medicament, chemical additives and GMOs. As a result of their actions, the people of our world have weakened their entire protective immune system, which gave push to the spread of AIDS (the syndrome of acquired immune deficiency) in our world.
Genetic experiments were amusement by the Lemurians of the 3rd race and the Black Priests of Atlantis of the 4th race. Both races ceased to exist, and their civilizations were destroyed by Nature itself. The Lemurian race was destroyed by volcanic fire, and the race of Atlantis washed away the Worldwide Flood 12,000 years ago according to the Mayan Calendar.
It is worth remembering the Preadamites - the ancient Atlanteans, who fled to Mars before end of the world of their 4th race, their new World on Mars was destroyed due to their activities there. After the destruction of their new World on Mars, they, but a generation later, again returned to us to Earth to try to survive on home planet. The result of their lives in the race of Atlantes, as well as on Mars is clearly represented in their Ancient City under the ice of Antarctica.
For this reason, we must always remember that it was the genetic development of our Ancestors that became the basis for those genetic studies that our Scientists are currently providing.
I urge the countries' governments of our world be wary of such genetic studies, so not to attract the global misfortune to our humanity. Can not let us, the Aryans of the 5th race, have similar fate of End in the World, as it was in the previous earthly races. And in this case I want to prevent a future war between natural people and genetically Modified, because only their DNA code changes artificially, and not according to the planetary evolution of the Ascension.
Take seriously my Warning in this Letter of not-Karma genetic mutations, or not, the Сhoice of the government of each country separately and its people. But I sincerely believe that my Information from this Letter is worthy of Attention to the governments of the countries of our whole world toward which it was sent.
Best wishes to the members of countries' government in our world,
Narada Rinpoche / Narada Buddha.
June 2017.
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The list of 174 countries in the world whose governments have received my letter not-Karma genetic mutations:
+ List of countries in Europe - 42 countries:
Austria, Albania, Andorra, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine, Finland, France, Croatia, Montenegro, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden, Scotland, Estonia.
+ List of countries in Asia and Australia - 56 countries:
Australia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bahrain, Brunei, Bhutan, East Timor, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Palistina, Georgia, Israel, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Cambodia, Kyrgyzstan, China, the Republic of China (Taiwan), the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea), Kuwait, Laos, Lebanon, Malaysia, Maldives, Marshall Islands, Mongolia, Myanmar, New Zealand, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Pakistan, Papua - New Guinea, the Republic of Korea (South Korea), the Republic of South Ossetia, Samoa, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Syria, Solomon Islands, Tajikistan, Thailand, Tonga, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Fiji, Philippines, Japan.
+ List of countries in North, Central and South Americas - 29 countries:
Argentina, Bahamas, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, the Republic of Haiti, El Salvador, Suriname, the United States, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, Chile, Ecuador, Jamaica.
+ List of countries in Africa - 47 countries:
Algeria, Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Côte d'Ivoire, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Egypt, Cambodia, Canary Islands, Lesotho, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Mauritania, Madagascar, Madera, Malawi, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Somalia, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Swaziland, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Tunisia, Uganda, Tunisia, Zambia, Zambia, Zimbabwe , Eritrea, Ethiopia, South Africa, South Sudan.